1 hr 30 mins
1 week after
Return to daily activities
after stitch removal
2~3 times
General/Sedative Anesthesia
Nasal valve is located on the upper part of the septum, and it is a core area which controls the breathing.
Therefore, even slight stenosis can lead to extreme nasal congestion.
Valve reconstruction surgery enlarges the narrowed valve through an anatomical approach.
Deviated nasal septum and nasal bridge
Chronic sinusitis
Malignant tumor
Flat nasal bridge
Frequent nose jobs
Septal perforation
Nasal ceiling is lifted and heightened for proper ventilation of the air,
and thus breathing becomes much easier.
Surgery should be performed based on a thorough analysis of the congested area.
If necessary, the valves should be enlarged through cartilage transplant or
repositioning, folding or pulling, suture or extension procedures.