• Are you afraid of breast surgery’s side effects?

    No need to be concerned if there is an accurate analysis and reliable prevention!


  • What is capsular contracture?


    When foreign substance comes into our body, the human body enhances the immune system to generate fibrosis cytos and produce the collagen fibers. These collagen fibers surround the implant and create a coating called capsule. It is a natural symptom but due to wrong foreign body reaction, infection, bleeding and other causes may thicken, turning into a hard capsular contracture. When capsular contracture occurs, the breast tissues become hard, distorts the shape and can even dislocate the implant.


  • What are the causes of capsular contracture?


    Capsular contracture may occur due to various reasons such as bleeding, hematomas, necrosis tissue, foreign body reaction to silicone, infections caused by bacteria, immune deficiency and improper post-operative massage.


  • When does capsular contracture occur?

    Capsular contracture usually occurs within 4-8 months after surgery, about 60% within 6 months, and about 30% within 6-12 months after surgery. It rarely occurs 3-4 years after surgery so it is very important to manage properly right after surgery. 

  • [ Upper Convex ] There is an upper convex on the breast !


    What is an upper convex?

    It is referred to as convex nipple and convex implant as a side effect of capsular contracture due to improper implant

    placement or poor post-operative care.




    Why does upper convex occur?

    Usually, it occurs when the line under the breast’s delamination is not enough or oversized implants are inserted with not enough tissue to cover the implant. Also, the implant may have moved up due to improper post-operative care after surgery.


  • Prevention of side effects


    After surgery, the method of massage and post-operative care period is all different on all individuals. However, the most important common fact for all patients is to follow the capsular contracture and upper convex prevention training from the clinic for at least 6 months. Of course, it is inconvenient to wear the compressive bra and to do the self-massage but it is required for utmost surgical outcomes.


  • Won’t my new breasts look noticeably fake?


    Wonjin is the best plastic surgery clinic in Korea for breast surgery.

    Our doctors have the skills to make any implants to look real and natural.


  • My chest protrudes and I’m flat chested. Would breast surgery make it too obvious?


    Our goal is to make your breasts look as natural as possible.

    See the results yourself from our patients’ reviews


  • Can I breastfeed after surgery?


    Mammary glands are untouched and avoided for healthy and safe breast feeding.


  • Post-surgical care is more stressful?


    Massaging is not required anymore due to medical advancement in breast augmentation. There are also scar treatments available at Wonjin, thus there is nothing to stress about.