1 hr 30 mins
1 week after
Return to daily activities
after stitch removal
2~3 times
General/Sedative Anesthesia
Paranasal cavity refers to a hollow space within the facial bone along the nose area.
However, clogging up of this paranasal cavity results to improper ventilation and
excretion of these inflammatory secretions, a state of chronic sinusitis.
Complications acquired due to flu
Structural, physiological disorders
Repeated and long-term sinusitis
Congenital factors
Medication treatment
Through the medication
treatment of 4~6 weeks,
observations are made on
whether improvements
are made.
3D-T Scanning
& Endoscopy
If medication treatments
does not show any
thorough examination is
done for surgical treatments.
Surgical Treatments
Safe and simple endoscopic
surgery for the paranasal
cavity is performed through
local anesthesia.