It is advised to proceed with thread lifting only after considering an individual's facial skin condition

Dr. Kang from Wonjin hospital 

Skin elasticity, wrinkles, and sunken volume, which decrease starting in the late 20s, are typical symptoms of skin aging. This is a natural aging phenomenon, however, a younger looking face is generally something that everyone wants and worries about.


Since it's hard to prevent aging such as forehead wrinkles, nasolabial folds, and saggy cheeks, with only personal care, medical procedures are considered as an alternative. Generally, or improving wrinkles or elasticity, the options are forehead lifting, ulthera, and shurink, which are further categorized into laser lifting and thread lifting. It is advised to choose an appropriate lifting method by considering an individual's skin type, the degree of aging, and their age group.


Dr. Kang Moon Seok from Wonjin hospital said, "Among the available choices, face-lifting, which can see immediate effect after the procedure and has no need for incision, is becoming popular. Thread lifting literally means the surgeon inserts medical seals directly into wrinkles and sagging areas to pull sagging skin and provide a natural lifting effect. The inserted thread stimulates the surrounding tissues over time to promote the production of collagen and elastin, which also helps to improve fundamental elasticity. In addition, face lifting is performed without incision, and the procedure takes only a short time and recovery is quick. It is an alternative procedure used when there are concerns about surgery, such as facial elevation. There are different types of procedures and which vary in the duration of maintenance and the appropriate site for treatment. The types of lifting are largely divided into mint lifting, cavern lifting, and elasticum lifting, and the effect may vary depending on the fixation point and the injection method for inserting the thread."


Face lifting is a lifting procedure that shows high levels of satisfaction with a relatively simple and quick effect, but since each person's face shape type and skin condition are different, it is necessary to accurately understand the skin condition and proceed with a suitable type of lifting to lower the risk of side effects and increase satisfaction.




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